Underwater Wireless Power Transfer

eBook - Smart Ocean Energy Converters, SpringerBriefs in Energy

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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9783030025625
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 0 S., 7.85 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2018
Format: PDF
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This book discusses, for the first time, wireless power transfer in the ocean environment. Topics covered include power electronic techniques, advanced control strategies, as well as classic and emerging applications such as smart ocean energy systems and wireless power transfer and charging of underwater autonomous vehicles. Emerging research topics are presented, along with methodologies, approaches, and industrial development of intelligent and energy-efficient techniques. Apart from the basic principles with an emphasis on inductive power transfer and mathematical analysis, the book discusses the emerging implementation for underwater wireless power transfer such as energy encryption, power and data transfer through common links, and secured data- and cyber-security. Specifically, the book comprehensively introduces significant discussions on UWPT coil theoretical and experimental analysis in seawater, optimal design, and intelligent controls. For example, since fast communicationis not viable in an underwater environment, the proposed book discusses Maximum Power Efficiency Tracking (MPET) control, which achieves a maximum power efficiency (>85%) without communication or feedback from the transmitting side of the UWPT system. A k-nearest-neighbors-based machine learning approach is used to estimate the coupling coefficiency between the coils. This machine learning-based intelligent control method can offer important guidance for graduate students, academic researchers, and industrial engineers who want to understand the working principles and realize the developing trends in underwater wireless power transfer. Finally, the book includes details on the modeling and design of a smart ocean energy system--a new type of power harvesting system designed to convert ocean energy into electricity, which has the capability of making underwater wireless power connections with distributed marine devices.


Introduction.- Ocean energy Converters.- Underwater wireless power transfer.- History.- Motivation.- Challenges.- Applications.- Design and Modeling of a Smart Wave Energy Converter.- Introduction.- Conceptual design of the Smart-WEC.- Smart-WEC Working Principles.- Hydrodynamics Model.- Electrical System Model.- Study and Analysis of Underwater Wireless Power Transfer.- Introduction.- Wireless Power Transfer in Air, Freshwater, and Seawater.- UWPT System Overview.- Coil analysis in Open Air and Underwater Environments.- Resistance of a coil in air compared to seawater.- Inductance of a coil in air compared to seawater.- Coil Topology.- Optimized Coil Design Procedure.- Maximum Power Efficiency Tracking for UWPT.- Overview of Maximum Power Efficiency Tracking.- Estimation of Coupling Coefficient.- Modeling of the DC-DC converter.- Controller Design.- UWPT Resonance Frequency Analysis.- Coupling Coefficient Estimation.- UWPT Efficiency Maximization.- Experimental Verification.- Model Predictive Control.- Control Strategy.- Current Error Prediction.- Regular Waves.- Irregular waves.- Data security and Energy Encryption.- Introduction.- Data security.- Energy encryption.

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